Welcome to our soulful happenings here in South Florida. We hope to provide all you need as you continue on your own “dreamer’s journey”...
Miten has a new CD - Article and Video!
Wow! What an amazing evening with Deva Premal & Miten with Manose! Thank you South Florida for showing up! And for bringing your sweet voices of Love and Compassion to share.
We are blessed! (photo credit: Joe Marino)
Stop, Breathe and Smile is a not-for-profit organization and your one time donation goes directly towards continuing the development and expansion of bringing conscious events to South Florida. Thank YOU!
We'd LOVE to let you know about our events and other amazing Community events!
Thank You South Florida for showing up! What a wonderful weekend for the Children
Our Prayer for Nepal raised over $13,000 for building schools in Rathankot, just outside Kathmandu.
We had a great weekend raising funds for the children in Nepal.
Click this image to see more beautiful photos taken by Joe Marino
Here Are a Couple of Ways You Can
Still Support the Children of Nepal
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Privacy Policy
We want to disclose our policy referring to how we use your private information. One of the things we want you to know is how we use cookies. Personally, we have a SCRUMPTULOUS oatmeal chocolate chip version that we use for comfort food. But we're just guessing this isn't the 'cookie' you might be interested in here. So, here is the real deal on how we use any information we collect from our website to help us accomplish our mission:
As you browse Stop, Breathe and Smile, advertising cookies will be placed on your computer to help us understand what you are interested in. Our display advertising partner, AdRoll, then enables us to present you with retargeting advertising on other sites based on your previous interaction with Stop, Breathe and Smile. The techniques our partners employ do not collect personal information such as your name, email address, postal address, or telephone number. You can visit this page to opt out of AdRoll’s and their partners’ targeted advertising.
Thank you for visiting and we hope you come back often to stay attuned to events we call
'Inner-tainment for Peace'
We want to disclose our policy referring to how we use your private information. One of the things we want you to know is how we use cookies. Personally, we have a SCRUMPTULOUS oatmeal chocolate chip version that we use for comfort food. But we're just guessing this isn't the 'cookie' you might be interested in here. So, here is the real deal on how we use any information we collect from our website to help us accomplish our mission:
As you browse Stop, Breathe and Smile, advertising cookies will be placed on your computer to help us understand what you are interested in. Our display advertising partner, AdRoll, then enables us to present you with retargeting advertising on other sites based on your previous interaction with Stop, Breathe and Smile. The techniques our partners employ do not collect personal information such as your name, email address, postal address, or telephone number. You can visit this page to opt out of AdRoll’s and their partners’ targeted advertising.
Thank you for visiting and we hope you come back often to stay attuned to events we call
'Inner-tainment for Peace'