Discover The Invincible YOU!
with Vince Bellitto
Sunday, Sept. 28th at 3pm
At the age of 20, Vince Bellitto had a life changing encounter with death that led to a fierce, dedicated and passionate search for the essence of life and an understanding of why we are here as human beings and how exactly we function. This drive soon led to a profound and remarkable encounter with what he calls, The Central Axis of Being and The Universe, where he realized his own infinite potential and source of life which was the same source for all beings and all that exists.
He now seeks to empower and expand life throughout all humanity by sharing his experience, practical tools for transformation, coaching, training and speaking with individuals and groups. Vince believes firmly that all human beings are basically good and seeking good and that it is possible to restore their original innocence and align them to their invincible core which ultimately leads to a persons most remarkable and astounding life ever. Discover The Invincible YOU! Vince Bellitto created The Invincible You Program as a powerful and accelerated way for you to activate your Invincible Core and receive the life changing education on The Magnificent 7 which are The 7 Components of Being and Keys To Empowered Transformation. This program is based on his Formula for Accelerated Performance: POWER – RESISTANCE + STRATEGIC ACTION = ACCELERATED PERFORMANCE. He has discovered and tested in himself and with many others that it IS possible to: