Iyengar Yoga Intro
with Rosa Santana and Bobbi Goldin
Saturday, Sept. 28th at 5pm
Join Bobbi Goldin of the Yoga Institute of Miami and Rosa Santana of Yogarosa in this panel discussion about the pioneering and ancient teachings of Iyengar Yoga. Learn about the history of alignment as a means to enlightenment, and experience for yourself the true meaning of yoga. This session is great for teachers who have questions, and want to know more about helping their students. (And great for yoga enthusiasts of all levels who are thirsty for more information!)

Bobbi Goldin, studied with Mr. B.K.S. Iyengar in India and the U.S. He certified her Junior Intermediate III, 1983. She is committed to the promotion of the highest quality Yoga practice and education possible. Bobbi believes it is vital to remember this: “we do Yoga to quiet the mind and soothe the heart. When we are physically and mentally strong, elastic and stable, the quality of life is high, and then each day is a gift.” Bobbi is known for her ability to individualize in her classes so everyone’s needs are met and each feels personally touched. Bobbi is invited to be a guest instructor in the US, Europe and the Caribbean. Her teacher training course has been attended by over 600 students. Many are now certified instructors and some operate their own studios. The Yoga Institute of Miami has classes for all levels, from the very beginners to the more experienced, those with physical challenges and children’s classes. Classes are held each year to support lung cancer and breast cancer research.
For more info about Bobbi's classes, please visit: www.yogamiami.com
For more info about Bobbi's classes, please visit: www.yogamiami.com

Rosa Santana, Certified Iyengar Instructor, has been studying, teaching, and propagating the therapeutic art of Iyengar Yoga since 1995. She was drawn to the mental and physical discipline after suffering three accidental falls, one of which fractured her tailbone. Since healing her back, neck and sciatica pains, she has introduced yoga to hundreds of students who had never experienced this healing art and science.
In 2002, she founded and (still directs) classes, workshops and events at YOGAROSA, a yoga studio which has attracted hundreds of students to the teachings of Iyengar Yoga. She has hosted numerous Senior teachers, including Patricia Walden, John Schumacher, Elise Miller, Dean and Rebecca Lerner, Mary Dunn, and Professor Edwin Bryant. She has had the privilege of attending classes with BKS Iyengar, his daughter, Geeta, and his son, Prashant.
Rosa has presented the benefits of Iyengar yoga as a Guest lecturer at Nova Southeastern University, Aventura Hospital, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society of South Florida, the National Parkinson’s Foundation, the Synergy Teacher Training in Miami Beach, the Aananda Teacher Training in Ft. Lauderdale, and at 305 Yoga in Miami.
She believes yoga is accessible, healing, and transformational to all who try it. Rosa Habla Español e Fala Portugues.
For more information about Rosa and for a schedule of classes and times, please visit: www.yogarosa.com
In 2002, she founded and (still directs) classes, workshops and events at YOGAROSA, a yoga studio which has attracted hundreds of students to the teachings of Iyengar Yoga. She has hosted numerous Senior teachers, including Patricia Walden, John Schumacher, Elise Miller, Dean and Rebecca Lerner, Mary Dunn, and Professor Edwin Bryant. She has had the privilege of attending classes with BKS Iyengar, his daughter, Geeta, and his son, Prashant.
Rosa has presented the benefits of Iyengar yoga as a Guest lecturer at Nova Southeastern University, Aventura Hospital, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society of South Florida, the National Parkinson’s Foundation, the Synergy Teacher Training in Miami Beach, the Aananda Teacher Training in Ft. Lauderdale, and at 305 Yoga in Miami.
She believes yoga is accessible, healing, and transformational to all who try it. Rosa Habla Español e Fala Portugues.
For more information about Rosa and for a schedule of classes and times, please visit: www.yogarosa.com